Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Technology Newsletter 10/12


Have you created an assessment with Google Forms that you would like to share with your fellow teachers? If so, here is a quick tip,  from the famous Lee Green (@itsleegreen) ,  that will allow you to share your form with other teachers. This trick will automatically force your peers  to make a copy of your form which will prevent them from accidentally editing your original form.

Next time you want to share a form, give this process a try:
Go to your Google Drive right click on the form you want to share and click “Get Shareable Link”. When you do this, a toggle button will show up. Make sure the toggle is turned on so that link sharing will be turned on.  

From there, copy the link to the EDITABLE form and replace the word EDIT at the end with COPY. Send that link to whoever needs their own copy and you should be good to go

Thanks Lee!


Learning and Grant Opportunities

With the help of, Floyd County Schools is providing a no cost, one-day workshop for elementary school teachers interested in teaching computer science. This training will take place on Monday, November 21st from 9:00am-3:00pm. This training is open on a first come, first served basis with 25 attendees max. Attendees will receive a $100 stipend for the day. For more information, click here.

The Georgia Family Connection Partnership is offering two excellent grant opportunities. There is a $500 grant opportunity for a lesson related to sustainable energy as well as a $2000 grant opportunity for gardening. For more information, click here.

Want to learn more about effectively integrating technology in the classroom?  Check out the Google Training Center for classroom examples of best practices.  In addition, you can also pursue a Google Certification from this page as well to show off your earned awesomeness.

Twitter, Tweet, Twitter Bird, ...

There are thousands of tweets that get tweeted on a daily basis. One way to just get tweets from certain people you follow is to create a list. By viewing a list timeline, you can see only the tweets tweeted by your fellow twits!
To create a List:
  1. Visit your Lists page via the gear icon drop-down menu or by clicking Lists on your profile page.
  2. Click Create List.
  3. Name the List & provide a description.
  4. Designate the List as Public or Private.
  5. Save the Lists.

Discovery Learning has been used by our teachers to engage students in authentic learning by providing real-life examples and interdisciplinary connections (TKES#3- Instructional Strategies) for some time. GPB has upgraded its contract with Discovery Education to include student accounts and teacher tools.  In the effort to remove barriers to this resource you can now use the Google Sign In instead of typing a username and password.  You can access resources on their website and via this 10 step guide.
