Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Technology Newsletter for 1/24


Google Tour Builder has pre-made tours you can view or create your own. This Google tool allows students (and teachers) to create their own interactive tours of historical sites and events, travel brochures, and even locations in literature. These tours can be shared out with others for authentic real world audiences.

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Jeremiah Veillon and Andrew Smith at PHS have been working on creating differentiated assignments for students using the “Go to section based on answer” feature in Google Forms. Click here to check out their phenomenal work!
Based on your response to each question (right or wrong) you will either advance to new material or you will be redirected to a remediation activity.

If you are interested in making your own differentiated activity in Google Forms you may want to use this template to help you get started.

Twitter, Tweet, Twitter Bird, ...

  • Share pictures of projects and field trips
  • Connect with other educators by “following” them or a twitter chat
  • Create lists of international news media
  • Get parents mentioning or interacting with the class account
  • Communicate with other classes

Everyone agrees that having students create authentic work is a great way to show mastery of a skill. Sometimes when they create these works, in the form of audio/video presentations, they may borrow work from another artist. There are limits to what can be borrowed and it’s their duty to know. Check out this basic Copyright guide to learn what is free to use and what isn’t.

Mark your calendars!

When: Saturday, March 18, 2017 from 8:00 to 2:00
Cost: Free Registration / Free Food and Coffee / Free T-Shirt

... Birthday Party Balloons ...
Congratulations  to…

Emily Stallings
Brian Worthington

For earning the
Distinguished Service Award!

Thank you for all you do for FCS!

Also, Congratulations to Lee Green, Nathan Medley, Emily Stallings, and Ryan White on getting their Google Trainer Certification! An AWESOME accomplishment!

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