Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Tech Newsletter for 5/16



Have you noticed the New Team Drive in your Google Drive. This is a collaboration  space where all team members can share and collaborate on files and folders. Most of the Google apps can be moved and created in Team Drive and they are owned by all members in the Team Drive. The items won’t be lost when a member  moves in and out of the organization. Take some time to learn about Team Drive and think about the possibilities for your Teams next year.

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Congratulations to Cave Springs Elementary School for receiving their STEM Certification!

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Twitter, Tweet, Twitter Bird, ...

Last #floydpln Chat is Tonight!

Join us for our last Twitter chat this evening at 8:30 pm.  Following the hashtag #floydpln on Twitter to join in on the conversation.  Thank you to everyone that has lurked, tweeted, and grown their professional learning network on Twitter.

Are you a teacher with at least 18 graduate hours with in a content area outside of education? Art History, Science, Math, anything? Would you be interested in teaching college level courses to high school students? We are gathering information for a future initiative. Please click below to let us know if you are interested.

Move on When Ready/Dual Enrollment Teacher Interest

$ Innovation Grant $
Go here to apply for an Innovation Fund Grant from GOSA.

Use Google Takeout Transfer to move files from your account to a personal gmail address.
Click Here for Instructions