Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tech Newsletter for 4/18


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K-5 STEM Activity

Young engineers will love these building activities that use craft sticks, cups and cubes.

Let your students use their creativity, critical thinking and problem solving skills. Let them design, build, fail and rebuild and then celebrate all their amazing structures.

Click the picture below for ideas.

6-12 STEM Activity

If you are looking for a quick and easy STEM Challenge, check out the STEM Tower Challenge. The beauty of this activity is that you can easily tailor the challenge and utilize supplies you already have, such as: index cards, blocks, newspapers, balloons, pipe cleaners, etc. If you want to make the activity more challenging, consider adding specific stipulations or categories, such as, “Who can build the tallest tower that has the narrowest foundation?”

Looking for more STEM activity ideas? Check out this resource which includes an Army Man Launcher Challenge, Design a Life Jacket Challenge and more!

GA STEM Day is Coming May 5th!

Educators: Incorporate fun and innovative STEM activities into your classroom.

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Grades 3-5...How about an Interschool Popsicle Bridge Competition?

Maker Kitchen

Have you ever seen the show Chopped? Well, Maker Kitchen works kind of like that. You hand students bags of ingredients and let them get to creating. Instead of rutabaga or flank steak you give students batteries, yarn mini speakers, and popsicle sticks. Then you turn them loose to create something awesome. Check out #makerkitchen on Twitter for more information. Want to build a class set? Here’s a list of recommended supplies but it can be anything you want.

Mark your Calendar for
GA STEM Day on May 5th!
and use #flocoSTEM on Twitter

There will be a national Kidblog webinar with April Cummings on April 19 from 4:30 - 5:00
Sign up HERE

There will be a national Kidblog webinar with April Cummings on April 19 from 4:30 - 5:00
Sign up HERE