Do you want to continue follow up activities for Earth Day? Missed Earth Day altogether? Just want some cool access to Google Earth? Google now gives you and your students access to Google Earth on their Chromebooks. Give it a try.
Courtney Twilley, media specialist at Model Middle School, has been hard at work designing a media center makerspace for students. Mrs. Twilley is excited to be opening the doors to her makerspace this week! Follow @TwilleyMediaEdu to keep up with the great things happening in the MMS Media Center.
Are you ready for STEM Day on May 5th?
Be sure to tell us about how you are incorporating STEM Day in your classroom/school or post pictures of events using #flocoSTEM. Check out some current ideas for classroom STEM projects by looking at #STEM on Twitter.
Are you looking to step your game up for the coming school year. According to businessman Jim Rohn you are the composite of the five people you spend your time with. In the digital ecosystem of education, who do you grow with/from? Thanks to a great conversation generated by David Mowery from this article on building engagement via Twitter, how do you choose to engage? Who are the five people that sharpen your blade? How do you interact with them to build Mad Skills? Let us know at #floydpln who you are the composite of.
Mark your Calendar for
GA STEM Day on May 5th!
Grades 3-5...How about an Interschool Popsicle Bridge Competition?