Many teachers are catching on to the cool tricks extensions can help us be more proficient at our work. At the GAETC conference, one speaker, Chris Craft, offered a top 10 list of awesome extensions you can add to your Chrome account. One of my favorites is uBlock Origin which blocks ads from showing up on websites, even YouTube! Check that one out and more by clicking HERE.
Chris Craft (@crafty184) did an excellent session on 10 Advanced Web Apps for Google. These apps help you harness the full potential of the Google Ecosystem in your classroom. Google Drive Migration for high school seniors, making data interactive in Awesome Tables, and Gmail analytics are a few of the tools. A full list of Apps can be found here.
Best piece of advice from GaETC:“Innovate like a turtle.” We all know that technology integration can be overwhelming at times. Vicki Davis (@coolcatteacher), a classroom teacher, introduced a very practical approach for establishing and maintaining an effective technology toolbox. To be successful, she suggested that you, “innovate like a turtle”, by only adding three new technology tools to your toolbox each year (Ex. 3 years=9 tools). For additional technology integration tips check out, Vicki Davis’ website at
BreakoutEDU A great resource for implementing critical thinking and problem solving skills. Lisa Champlin, a 3rd grade teacher from Oak Grove Elementary School presented this session at GaETC and had the entire group up and working to solve the riddles/clues to be able to open the box. This can be utilized by any subject or grade. *click Get Started; fill in the beta user form and get a code to unlock many of the games that are available.
GAETC is like a box of chocolates in that you never know what you are going to get! This time around my sticking point came from Tony Vincent’s session on building success in the classroom. He referenced a book I am looking to read called Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath. The book references strategies designed to make things you learn stick, which is what teachers want to do. This was exemplified by a Ted Talk on how to properly use a paper towel. The process shows how reiterating the topic helps to reinforce learning. I never knew I’d learn the proper way to wash my hands by attending a tech conference.