It seems to me like we have only been to school for about three days since Christmas vacation. Between the three iterations of Snow Jam and ice storms, we have been hit harder this year than in years past.
With all the days of school we have missed, what are some ways that you as teachers, parents, and students can make the most of the days and keep the learning going? If you have an Internet connection, then the world is your oyster. Here are a few suggestions if you are looking to keep learning going.
Standardized testing (CRCT/Graduation Test) is right around the corner. Seriously, April will be here before we know it. If you would like to review content that will be on the test, the Georgia Department of Education has a great resource for students to practice. Simply go to the Georgia OAS Site and login to begin reviewing. You can choose from any core subject and begin reviewing the content. This is great drill and practice that students would be doing with teachers if they were in school.
Username and Passwords for each grade level
Khan Academy doesn't directly late to Floyd County Schools curriculum, but there are SO MANY resources in here. There are videos, tutorials, and assessments available. Create an account and explore what can happen.
If you want to learn from the best, with the best, then this is the place for you. Take a class on physics from the University of Virginia, a course on wellness from University of Florida, or explore what Harvard has to offer. I would recommend this site to any excited High School student or parents. This could be something great to do together. This will take more than a snow day to complete, but it is worth your time!
Take some time over the next few days to explore the options available to you. Just make a decision to never stop learning.